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Haggard (Unrated) (2003)
Starring: Brandon DiCamillo, Ryan Dunn, Tony Hawk, Bucky Lasek, Bam Margera, Brandon Novak, Jenn Rivell, Don Vito, Rake Yohn
Director: Bam Margera
Category: Comedy, Classics, Classics, Cult Classics, Independent
Studio: Ventura
140 mins



We're going on a mission tonight. We're breakin' into Glauren's house!

Ryan Dunn (played by himself) is one sorry SOB; he's completely hung up on Glauren (Jenn Rivell), his ex-girlfriend, even though she's out playing the field. Rumor spreads that she's hooked up with heavy metal's poster child, aptly named Hellboy (Rake Yohn). Ryan can't stand the thought of the two of them together, so he recruits his friends Valo (Bam Margera) and Falcone (Brandon Dicamillo) to find out the truth. The pair do whatever it takes to get their evidence, even break into her house. In the meantime Ryan flirts with insanity, has run-ins with the law and even gets stabbed in the eye with a fork as his friends try relentlessly to help him forget the girl. Haggard also features special appearances by professional skateboarders Tony Hawk, Jason Ellis and Bucky Lasek.