30 Odd Foot Of Grunts: Texas (Buena Vista) (2003)
Texas is a documentary/concert film following the band 30 Odd Foot Of Grunts from Sydney to London to Austin, Texas. As they embark on an intense schedule of rehearsals, album recording and live concerts.
Candid and revealing documentary footage provides a unique narrative of a band that unexpectedly finds itself the subject of a remarkable audience uprising.
Irreverent and irrepressible, the TOFOG members, led by frontman Russell Crowe, steer a course through uncharted waters, with a wink and a grin that belies a more serious intent.
Utilizing cutting-edge DVD encryption technology, this interactive experience offers multi-strata viewing that reveals outtakes, bonus footage, song lyrics, music videos and even a hidden 25 minute featurette, 60 Odd Hours In Italy.