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Adaptation (2002)
Starring: Brian Cox , Chris Cooper , Meryl Streep , Nicolas Cage , Tilda Swinton
Director: Spike Jonze
Category: Comedy , Drama, Cult, Independent
Studio: Columbia Tristar
Comedy , Drama, Cult,Independent
115 mins



Twisty brilliance from screenwriter Charlie Kaufman and director Spike Jonze, the team who created Being John Malkovich. Nicolas Cage returns to form with a funny, sad, and sneaky performance as Charlie Kaufman, a self-loathing screenwriter who has been hired to adapt Susan Orlean's book The Orchid Thief into a screenplay. Frustrated and infatuated by Orlean's elegant but plotless book (which is largely a rumination on flowers), Kaufman begins to write a screenplay about himself trying to write a screenplay about The Orchid Thief, all the while hounded by his twin brother Donald (Cage again), who's cheerfully writing the kind of formulaic action movie that Kaufman finds repugnant.

By its conclusion, Adaptation is the most artistically ambitious, most utterly cynical, and most uncategorizable movie ever to come out of Hollywood, with superb performances allround.