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Pig (1998)
Starring: Rozz Williams
Director: Nico B
Category: Cult
Studio: CAV
44 mins



A Film by Nico B. & Rozz Williams

A film depicting the relationship between a killer (Rozz Williams) and his victim (James Hollan) where all lines are crossed, blending fantasy and reality. This poetic film is a transformation of the subconscious mind of a killer, graphically showing the manifestation of itself into abstract forms and material, all driving from his suffering and desperation.

Pig was the last project of Rozz Williams; writer, artist, musician: formerly known from the rock group Christian Death amongst others. R.W. (who died 4/1/1998) spoke of the film as a form of exorcism and transition of his personal demons.


Critic's Reviews
Roger Ebert Chicago Sun-Times Read Review
Jim Shelby Palo Alto Online Read Review