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Grand, The: Col Ed (Disc 1 of 2) (1997)
Starring: Susan Hampshire, Tim Healy, Mark McGann, Stephen Moyer, Louie Ramsay, Michael Siberry, Julia St. John
Director: Kim Flitcroft, Morag Fullarton, Douglas MacKinnon, Noella Smith
Category: Drama
Studio: Goldhil
0 mins



A 2-Disc Box Set

John and Sarah Bannerman have labored at great expense to re-open this magnificent hotel.But their excitement is short-lived.While The Grand has no trouble attracting guests, it also seems to have a vacancy for trouble.Now the hotel and its staff face a homicide, financial ruin, infidelity and foreclosure.And that's before the doors open.

On the outside, The Grand appears to be a flourishing hotel in Manchester, complete with the latest modern luxuries of the 1920s.But look inside and you'll discover a hotbed of illicit affairs, prostitution, murder and other fascinating doings.Stay awhile and discover the dramatic style, riveting stories and wonderful characters in this highly acclaimed eight part series.Whether it's sexual politics, double-dealing, mystery, suspense or well-timed humor, you'll find everything you need in this fascinating place.Book a room and enjoy all The Grand has to offer.It's a visit you won't forget.