Star Trek Original Series V. 7 (1967)
The Galileo Seven (Stardate: 2821.5 / Airdate: January 5, 1967) Shuttle crew stranded!Spock learns the trials of command when Kirk sends him, along with Scotty, McCoy and a shuttlecraft crew, to investigate a quasar-like phenomenon.But the shuttlecraft is pulled off course and crash-lands on an unknown planet.The U.S.S. Enterprises's sensors aren't working, and the High Commissioner orders Kirk to abandon the search and continue his mission to deliver urgently needed medical supplies.Can Spock save his crew before the planet's giant Neanderthal-like creatures kill them all?
Court Martial (Stardate: 2947.3 / Airdate: February 2, 1967) Captain Kirk on trial! Kirk's reputation and career are at stake when he faces a court-martial for negligence.Officer Ben Finney (Richard Webb) had been taking readings in the starship's ion pod when Kirk ordered it jettisoned during an ion storm.Ship's records show Kirk failed to warnOfficer Finney, who had died as a result.Can Kirk prove he did warn Finney?Computers don't lie - or do they?Note Lieutenant Shaw's uniform - it's the first female dress uniform we see in the series.