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Mr. Death: The Rise And Fall Of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1999)
Starring: Fred A. Leuchter Jr., Robert Jan Van Pelt, David Irving, Caroline Leuchter, James Roth
Director: Errol Morris
Category: Drama, Special Interest, Independent, Documentary
Studio: Universal Studios
92 mins



"A Truly Great Film!"-Entertainment Weekly

From Errol Morris, the award-winning director of The Thin Blue Line, comes the provocative and chilling true story of Fred A. Lauchter, Jr., the son of a prison worker and a self-taught execution expert who consulted with prisons across the country to make capital punishment more humane.When Leuchter is called in as a high-profile expert in a sensationalistic Canadian trial, his ego, bravado and absurd testimony reach national media prominence.Soon, a firestorm of controversy erupts.Ironically, what Leuchter thought was going to be an apex in his career only ruins it.