Metropolitan Opera, The: Centennial Gala (1983)
It was the celebration of the century, a party of truly operatic proportion.In the Opera House itself some 7,500 opera-goers gathered to pay tribute to the grande dame of America's cultural institutions on the occasion of her 100th anniversary.In a technical tour de force, simultaneous radio and television transmission on four satelites expanded the party of well-wishers by millions of viewrs in Europe and throughout the United States.
Almost 100 of the world's leading singers, seven conductors, the Met Orchestra, Chorus and Ballet performed in two separate programs.For more than eight hours, the magnificent history of the opera company was recalled in some of the most brilliant arias and ensembles of the repertory, performed against a backdrop of five glorious Met productions.Time considerations necessitated the omission of some gala selections; however, the performances which appear have not been altered or edited in any manner.