National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 (1993)
Emilio Estevez (The Mighty Ducks, Young Guns 1& 2, Stakeout) and Samuel L. Jackson (The Negotiator, Star Wars:Episode 1 - the Phantom Menace) are Colt and Luger, two dangerously over-the-edge detectives who uncover a despicable plot to simultaneously rot America's brains and teeth with drug-laced Wilderness Girl cookies.Aided by a likeable slimeball (Jon Lovitz, The Wedding Singer), a leather-loving beauty Kathy Ireland, Necessary Roughness), they battle arch bad-dudes William Shatner (Star Trek) and Tim Curry, ( Addams Family Reunion) in a riotous, crime-busting comedy romp featuring surprise cameos from more superstars than you can shake a .375 Magnum at.In the tradition of Hot Shots! And Naked Gun, it's outlandishly off-beat and outrageously out-of-control as macho crime-action takes it in the shorts in